Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Many served at Operation Overcoat

Nearly 1,500 meals were served and many thousands of articles of clothing were given away at Operation Overcoat 2008

A meal of hamburgers, hot dogs, and macaroni salad was served.

Hundreds of people received clothes, shoes, hygiene items and blankets.

The crowd was entertained by the SPO dancers and other musical acts that performed throughout the event.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Furniture Outlet provides great donation for Operation Overcoat

Furniture Outlet has been a great partner in helping Union Gospel Mission collect items for Operation Overcoat. Furniture Outlet co-owner Trudy Palo was kind enough to drop off two truckloads!!

Even though the big Operation Overcoat event is less than 48 hours away, there is still time to make a donation. Blankets, undergarments and hygiene items are still urgently needed. You can make a secure online donation at www.ugmportland.org or call 503-274-4483

Friday, September 5, 2008

Operation Overcoat video

Learn more about Operation Overcoat!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Underwear needed for a good cause!

Union Gospel Mission is seeking churches willing to have an "Undie Sunday" on Sunday September 21 and collect new socks and underwear for men, women and children who are homeless or in need. This is part of "Operation Overcoat" a annual clothing giveaway on Saturday September 27. At Operation Overcoat thousands of articles of clothing are given away.

Union Gospel Mission is also seeking businesses willing to have an "Undie Monday" to collect new socks and underwear.

Are you ready to have an "undie" day at your church or business?

Here's what to do:

1. Contact Stacy Kean at stacyk@ugmportland.org or 503-274-4483 to let Union Gospel Mission know your group is participating.

2. Let all your friends at work and/or church know! Ask them to bring new socks, underwear and even hygiene items on "Undie Sunday" or "Undie Monday"

3. Drop off the collected items at Union Gospel Mission at 15 NW Third Ave. in Portland before September 27.

In addition to new socks and underwear, hygiene items, such as soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant and lotion are needed!

Please consider having an "Undie" day for a good cause!