Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thrift Store Thursday! Dollar Racks are Back!

Looking for a clothing bargain? Visit Union Gospel Mission's Thrift Store located at >11611 SW Pacific Hwy in Tigard (Across from the Tigard Cinemas) Map

Designated racks of clothing are priced at only ONE DOLLAR per item!

Monday, April 26, 2010

New Video! Union Gospel Mission featured on

Check out this video from featuring Union Gospel Mission:

Old Town Chinatown: LifeChange Union Gospel Mission

Sunday, April 4, 2010

New Video! Easter Brunch

Thanks to the donors and volunteers that made the Easter Brunch possible for the homeless and people in need. 621 meals were served, and 432 hygiene kits, called "Hope Totes" were distributed. Check out the video of the Easter event!