Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Video! LifeChange Stories: John Schenk

John is one of the members of the LifeChange addiction recovery community here at Union Gospel Mission. He has an incredible story!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Video: Life in LifeChange

Get a detailed view of the LifeChange addiction recovery community. This video shows many of the key aspects of what goes on inside LifeChange.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Compassion Southeast- A chance to reach out

Join Union Gospel Mission in reaching out to our neighbors in Southeast Portland at Compassion Southeast. The Compassion Southeast event takes place Saturday, June 20 at Woodmere Elementary School, 7900 SE Duke St. from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Volunteers are needed!

Compassion Southeast will provide basic medical and dental services, connect with other social service agencies, and a free lunch for people in need. New this year- some free pet care services.

Learn all about it at

Also, Cheryl White, one of the wonderful and fabulous staff members here at UGM is helping to coordinate the event, you can send her an e-mail at

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Check it out: Kitchen Remodel page

The remodel of the kitchen is getting closer! Not only is the kitchen itself being remodelled, but the dining room floor will be torn out, and a new bathroom for use by the homeless/public will be constructed.

There is a page dedicated to this effort on our website:

You can also make a special donation to support the kitchen at:

It is an exciting time!